radiotherapy$66559$ - traducción al griego
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radiotherapy$66559$ - traducción al griego

Molecular radiotherapy; Unsealed source radiotherapy; Radioligand therapy

n. ραδιοθεραπεία, ακτινοθεραπεία


Radiotherapy is the treatment of diseases such as cancer by using radiation.


Radionuclide therapy

Radionuclide therapy (RNT, also known as unsealed source radiotherapy or molecular radiotherapy) uses radioactive substances called radiopharmaceuticals to treat medical conditions, particularly cancer. These are introduced into the body by various means (injection or ingestion are the two most commonplace) and localise to specific locations, organs or tissues depending on their properties and administration routes. This includes anything from a simple compound such as sodium iodide that locates to the thyroid via trapping the iodide ion, to complex biopharmaceuticals such as recombinant antibodies which are attached to radionuclides and seek out specific antigens on cell surfaces.

This is a type of targeted therapy which uses the physical, chemical and biological properties of the radiopharmaceutical to target areas of the body for radiation treatment. The related diagnostic modality of nuclear medicine employs the same principles but uses different types or quantities of radiopharmaceuticals in order to image or analyse functional systems within the patient.

RNT contrasts with sealed-source therapy (brachytherapy) where the radionuclide remains in a capsule or metal wire during treatment and needs to be physically placed precisely at the treatment position.

When the radionuclides are ligands (such as with Lutathera and Pluvicto), the technique is also known as radioligand therapy.